Saturday, February 7, 2015

Discover with Dr. Cool Gemstone Dig Science Kit by Discover with Dr. Cool

My kids were so excited to get this in the mail yesterday. They just had to open it up and start digging right away. it was so much fun even i was excited to see what they would find . It litterlly entertained them for hours comes with everything you need to dig and was not hard at all for the kids to do i think i have found there new favorite thing. The gems were so pretty and my daughter kept them calling them her sonic stones lol. This will bring much entertainment to your kids for a long time. And the best part is they will be learning while they are having fun. You Excavate real quartz, tiger's eye and amethyst gemstones with this hands-on digging kit, Kit includes digging tool, brush and magnifying glass & is a great way to start a rock & mineral collection, Perfect gift for any kid aged 6-12 that is interested in rocks, science, geology, or paleontology, The 12-page info guide is filled with cool science facts about gemstones and was written by teachers, Activity booklet contains 10 wonderful puzzles and games for hours of extra fun and learning I recommend this to everyone who has kids.

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